What's new?
As mentioned in my last post this project is in maintenance stage for me (or as little work as I can get away with) so I can concentrate on other things. However... it's having a rebirth as a new project on Github! I'm a bit tentative about Github as previously I had exclusive distribution of the source via my blog but now it's easy for anybody to fork and improve. This is a double edge sword as others' improvements can be pushed back up stream and the project won't die - still it's letting go of my pride and joy!
What still needs work for the source release?
Over the next few weeks I hope to document the architecture and build instructions that I've simply not yet had the time to do - these will follow on a fixed blogger page and the project readme markdown respectively. There are areas that I'm not happy with (as with any project) that are downright ugly but the processing pipeline is sound and has had many refinements. Hopefully others will help improve the bad areas!
So what else has changed?
This release sees UI improvements for niggling issues like the image being too large and going off screen and a fix for serious bug in SCR export. It also has improvements to Gigascreen rendering on a real Spectrum.
Downloads (nb all builds are x64 - 64 Bit CPUs only):
imagetozxspec-windows-2.0.1.zip (sha1: 9be463c17e4a26231e45a39250bceba9)
imagetozxspec-macos-2.0.1.zip (sha1: 4e5e213755c9bd4258ef6aee13330adf)
imagetozxspec-linux-2.0.1.zip (sha1: 748b7cc8bd726f001d89761587de0625)
Changelog for 2.0.1:
- Fixed bug with main window extending off screen
- Fixed image labelling bug
- Fixed bug adding last frames of video to a new video if conversion manually stopped
- Fixed bug with multi image popup preview's image being too large when unscaled
- Fixed bug in SCR converter that would fail to output some images/second Gigascreen image
- Added 2 new Gigascreen export attribute orders
- Added pre-processing slider reset to defaults button
- Removed some redundant dither processing
- Removed test framework from production build
- Cleaned up some code