The blog has been a bit stagnant in recent weeks (I've added a new Mozilla Firefox Persona however!) simply because I've not had the time to do much programming or reviewing. Yeah I know the secret to a successful blog is to update update update but sometimes we all need a holiday.
So what's the plan? Well my work for the Christmas run is still to complete Vampire Castle (it's a cursed project that is draining my life blood).
More usefully I've received some new suggestions for Aerofoil to disable services on the fly (such as the Windows indexing service) so I'm also debating an update to Aerofoil.
I consider emulator writing to be the holy grail of becoming a great programmer so I've been paying a little attention to Imran Nazar's blog on how to write a Gameboy emulator in Javascript. In the long run this could mean I write emulators on many platforms, but I'm not getting ahead of myself yet, especially as I'm still waiting on Imran to document the remaining parts (such as sound) before I really dig in.