FollowMe 1.2 Free Open Source GPS tracking software for MIDP 2.0+ phones
FollowMe is the new name for Silent Software's LocateMe, this small (45K) application requires a mobile phone with an integrated GPS or a separate Bluetooth GPS and will show you the direction to given locations ("targets") without maps, using a pulsing direction arrow. You can request the location of other FollowMe users by text message, send your own position, or just simply save locations ("targets") for directions back to them later. Targets can even later be imported into Google Earth or Maps.
The Features
- "Target" other FollowMe users' positions via a text message
- Save multiple locations (targets "waypoints") with names (NEW for 1.2)
- Stores your targets as Google Earth/Maps KML (NEW for 1.2)
- Send your current position to other FollowMe users via text message
- Connects to any mobile phone integrated GPS or Bluetooth GPS
- View all the satellites around you on a "radar" style view
- Display RAW GPS data (suitable for testing)
- Complete integrated GPS support (some features may not be available depending on phone GPS capability).
For developers the fully commented source code provides
- Design patterns, i.e. lazy initialization, command, strategy patterns
- An example of a 2 tier system
- How to use PushRegistry and File Connector (JSR 118)
- How to use the Record Store (JSR 118)
- How to use Bluetooth (JSR 82)
- How to use Text Messaging (JSR 120)
- How to use the PIM (and hack to minimise the security notices - JSR 75)
- How to use the Location Based API (JSR 179 - Nokia lapi.jar included for use on non GPS integrated phones)
- How to use simple graphics (not using a Game Canvas however)
- How to multi thread effectively
- How to process raw NMEA GPS data
- Basic usage of the NanoXML parser
- Basic understanding of graphical and GPS trigonometry
Known Issues
- The application is not security signed (this costs money!), so you will be shown numerous security popups when you start it.
- As your phone is not a compass the direction target arrow will only point to the correct direction once you start walking, and the phone can determine which way relative to North you are going, i.e. when you are stood still your phone doesn't know which direction you are facing! :) On startup, until the GPS gets an accurate fix, the direction arrow to the target WILL NOT BE SHOWN.
- On first run there can be some delay discovering the Bluetooth devices in busy areas (i.e. it may display "Waiting for GPS..." on first run for some time). This is down to the Bluetooth device discovery picking up a large number of devices and querying them. Once you have located your GPS, future connections to the GPS do not require this discovery period and will be relatively quick.
This software has been tested on Nokia Series 40 3rd edition phones at a minimum resolution of 128x128 pixels and Sun WTK emulator at 240x320. It has also been successfully tested on a Nokia N95 and Nokia 6650 with integrated GPS', and the INQ1 phone with separate Bluetooth GPS.
Download for mobile phones with an integrated GPS
Download for mobile phones using a separate Bluetooth GPS
Download FollowMe source code (and full javadoc)