The Reebok i-Run treadmill manual is poor and doesn't explain how to change the distance metric (from KPH to MPH or vice versa) and I know it's really annoying when you accidentally switch the modes during usage but can't work out how it was done (or if it was a software bug in the console).
There appears to be many versions of this treadmill (and I think it's now named the Reebok Pure), at least 2 i-Run and an i-Run plus so the following may not work but did for me:
Instructions to change distance metric:
- Plug in treadmill.
- Remove safety key.
- On the console hold down the Down Arrow button and Start button with one hand, and plug the safety key back in with the other,
- The display should show the current mode ("KM" or "ML"), press the Start button to choose your preferred mode.
- Press the Stop/Enter button to save and start the regular treadmill display, distances and speed will now be in your chosen metric.
Hope this helps, if it does just drop me a thank you below! :)